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Financial News & Insights

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How a Fee-Only Fiduciary Benefits You

As hard (and as long!) as you’ve worked to grow your wealth, attempting to DIY your financial plan may not be the best route. After all, developing strategies and tools to do that can be both daunting and time-consuming. This is where enlisting the help of a financial advisor could make a world of difference.

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Who We Are And How We Can Help

Don’t you wish you could feel unquestionably confident about your finances? You don’t have to look far to find financial advice or so-called proven formulas that promise to bring you financial success. And while there’s plenty of general advice you would be wise to take, your finances don’t exist in a bubble. They are an extension of you, your values, your dreams, and your life circumstances; as such, they deserve a personal touch.

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Common Post-Retirement Risks You Should Be Aware Of

You’re kicking back, margarita in hand, on some undisclosed tropical island, lying in a hammock near the beach. This is the way it’s supposed to be—retirement at its finest. You worked hard for this, and you are going to enjoy it! At least for a while, before retirement bliss is met with some retirement risk realities. Be ready for whatever life throws at you. Here are a few common post-retirement risks and how to prepare for them.

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Why I Became A Financial Advisor

My curiosity and love for the financial world started at the ripe old age of 15! That’s when my grandfather approached me, asking me to help take care of my grandmother when he was gone. He had the foresight to plan ahead and chose to prepare me for this task by teaching me and modeling for me a life of responsible financial choices, the importance of avoiding debt, and saving for the future. I didn’t realize at the time that a) this was an immensely valuable gift, and b) he unknowingly set me up for a decades-long career doing the same for others.

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