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"Without Counsel Plans Go Wrong, But With Many Advisers They Succeed."

Proverbs 15:22 (RSV)

Meet the Team

Marge Rand Photo
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Marge Rand

Financial Advisor/Founder

Dogs are called man's best friend because they are loyal - always right by your side through life's ups and downs. That's one thing I love about dogs. But what does this have to do with financial planning?

I’ve been involved in taxation and financial planning for the past three decades, and I’ve been around dogs even longer. What I’ve learned from both is that a financial planner should be right by your side, too, guiding you through life’s tough decisions.

That’s what I love doing for people just like you. In fact, I got my first taste of this as a 15-year-old when my grandfather asked me to help take care of my grandmother when he was gone. He taught and modeled for me a life of responsible money choices, avoiding debt and planning and saving for the future.

I applied these principles to my own life and helped my grandmother move along in hers as a widow. And when she passed, I had the honor and responsibility of being her executor.

Not only did I get the chance to fulfill my grandparents’ wishes, but I also became convinced that this was the path for my life … helping as many people as I could navigate life with solid guidance and a freedom from financial worry.

For many years, I’ve worked hard to make life less hard for my clients, and I’ve learned a lot from each one. But when I’m not working, I enjoy boating, horseback riding, traveling and hiking with my husband, and … of course … our dog, Rangeley.

Read the story about why I love what I do.

My credentials


  • RICP® (Retirement Income Certified Professional)
  • CPA (Certified Public Accountant)

Business Affiliations:


  • Rutgers University: BS, Accounting
  • Fairleigh Dickinson University: MS, Taxation
  • The American College of Financial Services: RICP® designation

Read about our fiduciary commitment  to our clients

Katie Ressa Photo
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Katie Ressa

Office Administrator

Katie is our friendly office administrator who is always willing to help you in any way she can. Over the years, she has had a variety of working experiences which makes her a well rounded asset to assist Marge in many ways.  

In 2004, she obtained a bachelor's degree in Computer Graphic Arts. Her interest in marketing however, led her to work in the craft and toy industry as a product manager and later brand manager. When she and her husband had the first of their two children, she decided to work from home as a freelance graphic designer and did so for many years. When her kids grew older, Katie was ready to move onto something new and in 2019, she was given the wonderful opportunity to work for Marge at Rand Financial Planning. While there, she has completed coursework in financial planning and continues to gain tremendous knowledge from Marge each day. She is attentive to details and loves making processes run smoothly and efficiently. Most importantly, she strives to make sure each client feels supported and is committed to providing excellent service.

When Katie is not in the office, she is with her husband and kids, often going from one sporting event to another. She is also very involved in her church, helping lead their VBS summer camp as well as their Marriage and Family Life ministry.  

Rangeley Photo
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Rangeley, named after a lake in Maine, was born in North Carolina. She was rescued as a puppy as part of a puppy litter by St. Hubert's. Marge adopted her when she was 11 weeks old.  She's a boxer hound mix and received her training at St. Hubert's before becoming "Head of Security", as we lovingly call her, at Rand Financial Planning.

Rangeley comes to the office with Marge everyday. She helps to provide a warm and welcoming environment and enjoys greeting our clients. We do recognize that not everyone is comfortable around dogs, so she is happy to sleep in her crate during meetings if a client prefers.

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