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Why I Love What I Do

By Marjorie L. Rand, CPA, CFP®, RICP®

A few times a year, I like to sit back and reflect on why I do what I do. It’s easy to get swept into the busyness of life and lose sight of why you are doing things in the first place. Reminding myself of my true passion, purpose, and dreams, grounds me, rejuvenates me, and motivates me toward greater things. 

I took a moment to re-read a blog post I wrote back in 2020, “Why I Became a Financial Advisor”, and it hit me that not only has that “why” not changed at all, but it has deepened and solidified more, and more over the years. I feel so humbled and blessed to have been able to fulfill my dream of helping people with their finances. Yes, I love numbers and spreadsheets and all the details in between, but it’s not just about creating financial plans and the “business” of what I do that I love…At the heart of it…my true passion is being able to help take away the pain or worry that brings people in to meet with me and to provide a clear path forward to fulfill their goals and dreams. 

While I have had some clients come in seeking guidance with “good” problems, like receiving an inheritance, many of my clients come in with heavy weights on their shoulders. For a couple of clients, it was the weight of debt, for others, they wanted to retire early from a toxic work environment.  There was another client who faced health concerns and others who needed help handling financial matters after the passing of their loved one. Many come in having worked hard their whole life and want to make sure they will not make mistakes and run out of money in retirement. Underlying all these situations though is a feeling of uncertainty and worry, not knowing what to do financially and how to move forward. Life can be very difficult and unfortunately, much of it impacts our finances. My passion is to help lift these weights and provide a solid path forward for people. 

There is nothing more rewarding for me than to see my clients move from fear and worry to freedom, peace, and confidence. That’s why I love what I do. That’s what drives my passion and gives me purpose. My clients know that no matter what life brings, big challenges or small, I am there for them to help navigate and strategize how to best handle it financially. A client once said to their spouse when they faced a tough financial decision, “Well, that’s why we have Marge!”. You could see the relief on their faces because they knew they had someone knowledgeable and trustworthy to walk them through it. I am so thankful to be able to help and look forward to seeing more goals accomplished, and more celebrations with each of my clients and the new clients to come!

If you or someone you know needs a financial advisor to help navigate life’s financial uncertainties, please don’t hesitate to call me at 908-895-2406 or email me at marge@randfinancialplanning.com. I look forward to speaking with you!

About Marge

Marjorie Rand is founder and financial advisor at Rand Financial Planning, a comprehensive, fee-only, fiduciary financial planning firm based in Flemington, New Jersey. Marge specializes in helping her clients plan for a secure retirement and navigate life’s many transitions through customized, tax-efficient retirement planning. She is passionate about empowering her clients to make the best financial decisions for their life and being by their side no matter what life throws at them. Marjorie spent many years as a CPA, specializing in estates, before founding Rand Financial Planning so she could be a go-to source for all her clients’ financial needs and help them avoid costly mistakes. She has a bachelor’s degree in accounting from Rutgers University and a Master of Science in Taxation from Fairleigh Dickinson University, along with the Retirement Income Certified Professional® (RICP®) and CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ certifications. When she’s not working, Marge enjoys boating, horseback riding, traveling, and hiking with her husband and her dog, Rangeley. To learn more about Marjorie, connect with her on LinkedIn.
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